The reality is that Tricaster isn't setup to have a web browser handy while in production mode, which can make it difficult to setup sttream keys. Tricaster does let you luanch a browser to log into your streaming platform (Twitch, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.), but on our projects we don't always have access to the platforms directly. We often just get a RTMP URL and stream key.
Ideally Viz/Newtek would let you update these keys via the Livebrowser interface, but they don't.
What we do is load up the Livebrowser interface on a laptop where you have access to the stream keys, save the keys as custom Datalink variables, and then use a macro to copy those variables to the Tricaster.
- Open the LivePanel interface on a laptop where you have access to the stream keys. If you don't know your Tricaster IP, click the little chat icon in the upper right coner of the Tricaster interface.
- Click on the Datalink icon.
- Create a new Datalink key/value pair. Example "Twitch" and "live_xxxxxx" (your stream key).
- Save the Datalink variables.
- Click on the Stream/Encode Gear icon to open the stream settings.
- Click on the "Web Browser" button to launch a web browser on the tricaster.
- Go to http://localhost or to launch the Tricaster LivePanel
- Click on the Datalink icon.
- Click on 'Custom' to show your new custom variables.
- Copy the stream key, close the browser and go back to the Tricaster.
- Paste the key into the appropriate streaming service field and save.
Its not the easiest workflow, but it is a workaround until Viz/Newtek adds the ability to update stream keys via the Livebrowser interface.